Benjamin Rolnik #MyRealStory


Our secrets are our weakness.

I’m sharing #MyRealStory because I know that vulnerability is a superpower. It strengthens one of the pillars of Integral Fitness. By sharing my truth, I can free myself from the limiting belief that people won’t love or accept me for who I am… By sharing my truth, I also give others permission to do the same.

I truly believe world change happens when “we” change. If I tell you one story and myself another, there will always be a rift between us. It’s scary to tell the real story… it means we have to risk exposure, uncertainty, and disappointment.

But imagine what magic would happen if we could all be open, honest, and vulnerable with each other? Imagine if we all had THAT level of self-love and self-acceptance… and that much trust to lead each other towards peace, love, and resolution.

I cannot expect to create a win-win for you if I don’t understand you.. we have to “get real” to create win-wins together.

In another video, I share that  it’s the pressure between our desire for security and the fact of change that creates insecurity. The desire for security and the feeling of insecurity are the same thing. To hold your breath is to lose your breath.

Vulnerability is learning to breath — to stop holding my breath — to acknowledge I’m insecure, you’re insecure, and we’re enough. That way, we can be at peace for a moment and experience how magnificently easy it is to show up up authentically.

This is #MyRealStory — expect more videos like this soon and if you’re interested in sharing your #MyRealStory with us, please send us a note [Contact@IntegralFitness.Org ]! We would love to hear from you 🙂




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Sending you lots of love!!!


Benjamin Rolnik

Integral Fitness

  1. Carmen Garcia 3 months ago

    Great story and I’m Mesmer-EYEzed with inspiration! Thank you. Would like to discuss a business opportunity with you. I’m a photographer and foodie (private chef/event planner).

  2. Author
    Ben Rolnik 3 months ago

    Hey Carmen! Thanks for commenting <3

    Send us an email at — would love to talk!

    -Benjamin Rolnik

  3. Tommy Pedersen 2 months ago

    Ben, nice. Can absolutely relate to your story. Its been a passion of mine to entertain others. But it has also been my downfall. I was under the imprassion that i needed to make people laugh, just so they didnt see my vounerability. Did that for so many years until I finally understood that I am greater than that. I have more to give, and that being without getting hurt because of the lack of feedback or that friend who pushed me in the right direction with telling me I am good at what I do.

    Now I frequently go on stage, performing freestyle singing, trying to get out real feelings, communicating with audience on a deeper level than before. I can tell that im making a difference in peoples life by doing changes in my own and not being afraid to be vounerable. This is my motivation.
    You are also an inspirational character, and I thank you for sharing your story, truly.

    I wish you a fulfilling day today and the next!

    Greetings from beautiful Norway.


    Im blessed

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